Ansarullah dismisses US aid claims, says Washington would deprive Yemenis of oxygen if possible

The spokesman for Yemen’s Ansarullah movement has rejected the United States claim of aiding the Yemeni people, saying Washington and its allies would deprive Yemenis of oxygen if they could.
In a tweet on Thursday, Mohammed Abdul-Salam wrote that there is no parallel in the world to the ridiculous claims made by the United States and its servile lackeys.
The US and its allies "wage war against a country and beset it with a siege, and withhold everything from it, even oxygen, if they were able to do so, and then ridiculously [claim] that they are helping that country,” Abdul-Salam said.
He asserted that the US and those who are responsible for the war on Yemen must leave the Arab country so that it would be able to manage its affairs with pride and dignity.
لیس فی العالم من تصرفاته مثار سخریة کأمریکا ومن یدور فی فلکها،یشنون على بلد حربا ویطوقونه بحصار،ویمنعون عنه کل شیء حتى الأکسجین لو استطاعوا لفعلوا، ثم بسخافة یتحدثون أنهم یقدمون له مساعدات،ألا یخجلون،فلیترکوا ذلک البلد وشأنه وسیتدبر أمره بعزة وکرامة وهو فی غنى عن هذه السخافات .
— محمد عبدالسلام (@abdusalamsalah) April 1, 2021
The United States and its Western allies have been deeply involved in the Saudi-led aggression against Yemen, which began in March 2015. The war’s primary goals were to restore the government of former Riyadh-friendly president and crush the popular Ansarullah movement, which currently runs the Sana’a government.
Early on Thursday, in response to the continuation of the Saudi-led aggression, Yemen’s military used four drones to launch an attack on a number of “sensitive and important” targets deep into the Saudi capital.
“Today at dawn, the air force ... launched counterattack in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, with four drones targeting sensitive and important sites, the designated target has been hit with high precision,” the spokesman for Yemeni Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, announced via Twitter.
Saree added that the attack falls within Yemen’s legitimate right to respond to the ongoing aggression and blockade against itself.
“Our operations continue as long as the aggression and siege continue,” he added.
Last month, the US announced nearly $191 million in additional humanitarian assistance at a High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen.
Secretary of State Anthony Blinken claimed that in total the United States has provided more than $3.4 billion to alleviate the suffering of the people of Yemen since the crisis began six years ago.
This comes as Saudi Arabia, which has launched the deadly war on Yemen, has been the world's number one importer of weapons.
A report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) revealed in March that more than a third of the global arms sold worldwide during the past five years originated in the United States, while Saudi Arabia was the world's largest weapons importer during the period.
The report said the US accounted for 37 percent of global arms sales between 2016 and 2020, adding that almost half of its sales (47 percent) went to the Middle East, with Saudi Arabia being the main recipient of US arms transfers in 2016–20, accounting for 24 percent of US arms exports.