Arab thinkers welcome intra-Muslim dialogue; welcome role of Iran...

A group of thinkers in the Arab and Muslim states have underlined the necessity of direct cultural talks between the regional nations and called the initiative as a fruitful solution to draw closer the views of the regional nations closer to one another.
A group of thinkers in the Arab and Muslim states have underlined the necessity of direct cultural talks between the regional nations and called the initiative as a fruitful solution to draw closer the views of the regional nations closer to one another
A group of thinkers in the Arab and Muslim states have underlined the necessity of direct cultural talks between the regional nations and called the initiative as a fruitful solution to draw closer the views of the regional nations closer to one another.
The thinkers, whose views are provided below generally believe that inter-Muslim relations, especially those between the Arab world and Iran should be boosted in order to counter ta conspiracy by the US-led world arrogant states which seek to dent Muslims.
The views were collected through the following interviews conducted by the Qods News Agency (Qodsna).
Iran-Arab dialogue beneficial to Muslim interests
Lebanese university professor, Walid Erbid says Iran-Arab dialogue would serve the interests of the Muslim interests, especially the Palestinian issue while division among Muslims only serve the enemies of Islam.
He touched on the conference underway in Tehran and said the cultural talk would eventually prove beneficial for the regional nations and help keep the Palestinian issue on the table.
“It also would help to find a solution for countering the Zionist enemy’s conspiracy that seeks to divide the region and fan sectarian and religious differences,” he said.
The Lebanese thinker assessed the role of Iran in the Muslim world as positive and said Iran has always helped counter the Zionist regime’s conspiracies and supported the rights of the Palestinian nation.
Erbid also touched on Iran’s support in defeating the ISIS and al-Nusra terror groups, adding the victory of the anti-occupation Lebanese resistance south of Lebanon showed the sole way to counter the enemy threats was armed resistance.
The Lebanese thinker believed that Iran had turned into a significant played in the regional and international relations so that without Iran, the regional issues may not be resolved in any diplomatic negotiations.
Asked about the fate of the terror groups, the thinker said the terror groups were formed by the world spy services in an effort to divide Iran and Syria however they would have no other fate than defeat in the face of the Islamic resistance.
Arab-Iran talks are imperative in light of regional developments
Tunisian thinker and head of the Masarat research center in Tunisia, Fouzi al-Alawi says the current sensitive situation in the region requires the Arab world and Iran to sit talks in order to counter the existing conspiracies against the Muslim world.
He said dialogue is positive and imperative per se in terms of religious, civilizational and human aspects, adding dialogue may help the regional nations to restore their constructive relations.
The Tunisian thinker touched on the conference underway in Tehran and said it may turn into a strategic solution for the regional challenges once it produces practical measures.
Al-Alawi pointed to the dangerous situation on the ground in the Muslim world and said such conferences must be initiated in an effort to find solutions for the situation.
Asked about the Islamic awakening movement that started by the Tunisian revolution several years ago, the thinker said the Islamic awakening is kept by the resistance groups in the region in defense of the major issues of the Muslim community.
The Arab figure said Muslim figures, Shii or Sunni are expected to advance the Islamic awakening based on true Islamic principles.
Asked about the ISIS and al-Nusra terror groups, the thinker said the groups have no future in the region as they have not emerged through humanity and have no genuine relationship with Islamic.
“The terror groups hold extremist views and play into the hand of the western intelligence services,” al-Alawi said, adding the terror groups only seek to incite seditions in the region.
ISIS formed by Israel in bid to undermine Muslim community
Head of the consultative assembly of Kuwait National Library, Kafieh Javad Ramadan says the ISIS terror group was formed by Israel in a bid to divide the Muslim community, adding the terror group was instrumental in having Muslims forget the Palestinian issue.
The Kuwaiti thinker urged Muslim states to promote friendship and proximity among brother Muslim states instead of pursuing divisive projects, adding intellectuals of the community have a more important role in fulfilling the mission than politicians.
Asked about Iran’s role in defending the vital issues of the Muslim community, the thinker said Iran was a major weight in defending the Muslim community, adding Ian and the Arab states have so many commonalities that could be used to enhance their mutual relations.
He urged the Arab states to improve their ties with Iran and strive to get the Muslim community united based on the common interests of the community member states.
In another regard, the Kuwaiti figure welcomed Iran’s support to the Palestinian issue and called it a major evidence to Iran’s positive contribution to the Muslim community.
The thinker regretted that the Palestinian issue turned into a second hand issue in the community due to the regional developments, adding that the situation must be reversed.
Asked about the ISIS and al-Nusra terror groups, the thinker suggested the terror groups were formed by Israel in a bid to divide the Muslim community, adding the emergence of the terror groups actually sidelined the Palestinian issue.
The thinker said the ISIS extremist thoughts caused the true Islam to be presented to the world in an eschewed manner, adding Muslims must focus on unity in an effort to compensate the loss.
Iran, a flag bearer of dialogue in the world
Tunisian author and journalist, Fatemeh bin Mahmoud says dialogue has always been initiated by major countries in the world, adding Iran as a large country has the capacity to transform cultural dialogues into a strategy for drawing the Muslim nations closer to one another.
The thinker termed dialogue a bridge between nations, adding dialogue is imperative for reviving human principles and meeting common interests.
The thinker also welcomed Iran’s proposal for cultural dialogue among the regional nations as an effective solution for countering extremist views.
Bin Mahmoud said Iran has the capacity to play an effective role in the major issues of the Muslim community, including the Palestinian issue. The thinker described Iran as a large supporter of the Palestinian nation.
Asked about the fate of the ISIS and al-Nusra terror groups, the thinker said the terror groups pursue anti-human actions and have no standing in the future.
The thinker said the extremist groups must be countered through the weapon of thought, culture and knowledge.
Muslim states must take model from Iran in defending the Muslim community
Omani University professor, Abdullah Mobarak al-Obari says direct talks may serve as an effective solution for drawing the views of the regional nations closer to one another and enhance their mutual relations.
The Omani thinker said all the Muslim affairs are important however there are axial and fateful issues that must be tackled through inter-Muslim dialogue.
The Omani thinker viewed Iran’s role in the region as significant, adding Iran has always played a major role in defending the Palestinian nation and restore their inalienable rights.
The thinker urged the Muslim states to join hands with Iran and find a solution to the major challenges ahead of the community.
Asked about the fate of the ISIS and al-Nusra terror groups, the Omani thinker said the terror groups have drawn the Muslim community to destruction and bloodshed, adding they have no future in the region.
Al-Obari suggested the terror groups were created by western agencies in a bid to divide the Muslim community.
Palestinian issue should be top agenda in Arab, Muslim conferences
Kuwaiti author and journalist, Heidar abd al-Razaq al-Mohanna says the Palestinian issue should be treated as a top priority in every Arab or Muslim conference.
The thinker said the Muslim states must offer material and spiritual support to the Palestinian nation and help them in repelling the occupiers from their lands.
The Kuwaiti journalist also urged for various conferences in support of the Palestinian nation, adding such conferences would help the Muslim states to get united especially amid the divisive scourge of the ISIS terror group.
The Kuwaiti thinker said conferences on the Palestinian issue would also serve as a wake-up call foor the regional states and pave the way for the ongoing through dormant wave of the Islamic awakening.
The Kuwaiti thinker touched on Tehran’s pro-Intifada conference and said such conferences would motivate the regional anti-terror resistance.
In another regard, the journalist considered Iran’s role in advancing the Muslim interests as positive, adding Iran has always strived to have the Muslim community united.
Cultural dialogue fruitful for drawing Muslim countries closes towards one another
Tunisian university professor, Monzar al-Nasr says cultural dialogue would play a significant role in drawing the views of the regional states closer to one another.
The thinker welcomed the conference underway in Tehran and said such talks were vital concerning the dire conditions of the region.
“If we desire to promote proximity, we must adhere to principles of dialogue,” al-Nasr said, adding the best solution to promote proximity was to focus on common issues, including cultural commonalities.
The university professor said ‘the penetration of the world arrogance and the Zionist global colonialism’ into the region became possible after the regional nations got divided ‘and for the same reason, any conference that focuses on common views would bring positive results.’
In another regard, the university professors highlighted the role of the Islamic Republic in supporting the Islamic community and said Iran has such capacities in advancing the Muslim affairs that some other regional states lack therm.
Touching on the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, the Tunisian figure said Iran has had very successful experiences in political affairs, specially the 1979 revolution that was led by the late founder, Imam Khomeini.
“Since then, Iran has been wrestling with the enemies of the Muslim community and supported the fateful issues of the community, the Palestinian issue in particular.”
Asked about the fate of the terror groups of the al-Nusra Front and ISIS in the region, the university professor they would eventually flee Iraq and Syria, adding they live as long as the Muslim community is divided.
“Any work for the unity of the Muslim community would virtually serve as a move against the terror groups,” he said.
Zionist regime, enemy no one of Muslim community
Prominent Bahraini figure, Saeed Shahbi says the existing walls between the Muslim states must be demolished and bridges of cooperation and friendship must be set up in their place.
Head of the Ahrar Movement in Bahrain added that the Islamic Republic pursues the goal with a good intention however certain sides in the community are striving to fail the trend of unity.
“No doubt Iran pays the cost of supporting the primary issues of the Muslim community,” he said, adding the US-led world arrogant states have been pressing Iran due to its support to the revolution of the Palestinian nation as a major issue of the Muslim community.
The Bahraini figure described the Palestinian issue as an issue of humanity rather than a racial one, adding certain parties in the Muslim community seek to remove the Palestinian issue from the agenda of the Muslim community by hindering any solidarity to the nation while boosting their ties with the occupier Israel.
Asked about Saudi normalization with Israel, the Saudi trial may prove debilitative for the Arab nations’ solidarity with the Palestinian nation.
Asked about the effect of conferences that promote interaction between the Arab states and Iran, Shahabi said the conferences would help retable some issues that have already been forgotten by the Muslim community and would prove fruitful as elites from Iran and the Arab nations sit talking with one another.
Palestinian issue may help Iran, Arab nations to get united
Lebanese university professor, Komeil Habib says the Palestinian issue remains the topmost issue of the Muslim community, adding the issue may help Iran and the Arab world to get united.
Habib acknowledged that Iran has always supported the Arab affairs, especially the Palestinian issue.
He noted that the Palestinian issue turned into the topmost foreign policy issue of Iran following the 1979 revolution, adding Arab nations must take pride in Iran's powerful presence in the Palestinian issue.
The Lebanese figure also highlighted cultural dialogue between Iran and Arab nations as fruitful, adding the existing divisions are not serious and may be removed through direct talks.