US, coalition should admit failure in Syria

Head of Strategic Research Council of the Expediency Council has said Syrian government, Hezbollah, and a coalition of Iran and Russia have upper-hand on the grounds, with US and its coalition nearly failing in the campaign.
Mr. Velayati who is a senior adviser to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with Syrian Parliament Speaker Hadiyeh Khalaf Abbas Monday evening. She leads a delegation of Syrian parliamentarians to Tehran. Mr. Velayati voiced strong support for Syrian legitimate government, believing that Iran and Syria have had excellent record in mutual support of the other in the times of need.
Velayati told the meeting that fighters of over 80 countries are in Syria fighting against country's forces; “they have devastated the country only because Bashar al-Assad had single-handedly been standing against Zionists. However, a coalition of Iran, Russia, Hezbollah of Lebanon and Syrian people supporting Assad helped the country to defeat the opposition as well as proxies of other countries, and now the core of coalition has a major role in supporting and resilience of Resistance front,” he asserted.
“Now the dim light of hope had been stronger in fronts, where the US and her coalition should admit failure of their campaign; a cacophonous array of proxies and mercenaries supported by Saudi Arabia and other reactionary Arab states fight against Assad and they inevitably be defeated, now that Russia has actively been seeking footprints in Syria supporting Assad,” Mr. Velayati told the meeting. “The asymmetrical battle of Syrian and non-Syrian terrorists seeks to topple democratically-elected government in Damascus, with a pretext of bringing democracy, while in their fellow countries, democracy is rare and the ruling elite would sneer the whole concept of the elections.”
Leader’s adviser criticized the US conduct in Syria in its division of terrorists to bad and good, while both strand of terrorism killed the innocent civilians, rendered in ruin cities and villages, and made millions of Syrians homeless; “the criticism levelled against Iran and Russia as committing war crimes is at best ludicrous, seeking to demoralize the Resistance front, on the face of which our support for the government in Damascus will continue; Iran had been in Syria for a genuine defense of the country against foreign terrorists, which have US and Saudi support on its back,” he said.
Velayati also briefly touched Iraqi situation where he believed borders with Iraq would remain borders of friendship and that only briefly in history of both countries did a satanic figure of Saddam Hussein imposed a war on both nations