1979 Islamic Revolution changed political attitude in region

Iran’s Islamic Revolution got triumph at time when the East and West blocs were unrivaled and the Arab states had to join the East in order to challenge the US.
Iran’s Islamic Revolution got triumph at time when the East and West blocs were unrivaled and the Arab states had to join the East in order to challenge the US.
Qodsna; Mehdi Azizi:
Iran’s Islamic Revolution got triumph at time when the East and West blocs were unrivaled and the Arab states had to join the East in order to challenge the US. Nationalist movements emerged based on the approach however they got frustrated amid back-to-back Arab armies’ failures in the Six-day war in 1967 as well as Arab inability to face the existing challenges.
The emergence of the Islamic Revolution in 1979 however presented the Palestinian nation with an effective model for facing the US and the occupier Israel. The Iranian revolution got triumph at time when the Israeli arm was perceived to be invincible and the desperate Arab states sought the track of compromise, notably present in the then Egyptian President, Anwar Sadat’s peace treaty with the occupier Israel.
Imam Khomeini, the father of the revolution presented a new definition of revolution and struggle to the world that was different from the conventional norms that were controlled by the western governments. The development thus made the western states to worry and plan for what they perceived as a threat.
The notion of ‘Iranophobia’ was fabricated amid the situation in a bid to contain the revolution. Actually, the western governments were concerned about the global scope of Imam Khomeini’s revolution. Imam has put on his agenda from the first to struggle the notion of world arrogance that stood for the hegemonic approach of the so-called world powers towards other nations.
Imam Khomieni’s revolution expanded and contributed to the development of popular-Islamic movements that subsequently replaced the nationalist movements.
The developments led to the formation of Hamas and Islamic Jihad’s movements and inspired leftist Palestinian movements to review their policy.
What actually goes on the region now is the achievement of three decades of the Iranian revolution that inspired all Muslims across the world.
The inspiration led to the ouster of Arab dictators in the region and removed the pillars of despots.
Today the free nations of the region are pursuing to establish a system of government based on Islamic faith after removing the secular and liberal elements as remnants of the previous, hegemony-based systems.