On various issues of the Islamic awakening

Islamic Revolution Leader, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei have provided answers to the following questions on the ongoing but dormant wave of Islamic awakening in the region.
Ayatollah Khamenei provided answers to the following questions on the ongoing but dormant wave of Islamic awakening
Islamic Revolution Leader, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei have provided answers to the following questions on the ongoing but dormant wave of Islamic awakening in the region.
1- What’s the root-cause of the Islamic awakening?
- To revive human dignity under the auspices of Islam
2- Why the uprising of the regional nations should be considered Islamic?
- The Muslim nations believe that justice, freedom and democracy may only be met through Islam.
3- What’s the enemy’s strategy in the face of the Islamic awakening?
- To divide Muslims; to hijack the revolutions; to assimilate the revolutions in Iran and Syria; and to create newer opinion leaders in place of Muslim scholars.
4- On which principles the regional revolutions are based?
- To revive the national dignity; to stand against foreign dominance; and to hoist the flag of Islam.
5- What’s the role of elites in advancing the Islamic awakening?
- To motivate people to think about the situation
6- What’s the historical importance of the Islamic awakening?
- The track we have taken may change the history and political geometry of the world.
7- What’s the relationship between the Wall Street Movement and the Islamic awakening?
- The Wall Street Movement’s activists were inspired by the youths in Egypt, Tunisia and the latter was inspired by Hezbollah and Hamas fighters.
8- Were the regional revolutions a US conspiracy?
- Let’s note hat there were no more favorable elements for the US than Mubarak and Bin Ali. Also, the US would not act in a way that would motivate the people to take to the streets.
9- People or parties; which one is more important?
- The most significant element in the regional revolutions was the genuine presence of the public in the scene.
10- What’s the top priority of the triumphant regional revolutions?
- To set up a system based on Islamic principles.
11- How one may assess the Islamic movements have taken a right track?
- It may be assessed in what stance they take concerning the Palestinian issue.
12- What’s the prospect of the Islamic awakening?
- The ultimate goal may not be other than the establishment of a bright Islamic civilization.
13- What’s the role of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in the emergence of the Islamic awakening?
- It demonstrated the possibility of establishing a religious government and to gain scientific, economic and political advances under its auspices.
14- What’s the relationship between the US offer of talk to Iran and the Islamic awakening developments?
- The US seeks to make the rising Muslim nations frustrated.
15- What are the lessons of the Islamic Revolution of Iran for the rising regional nations?
- To rely on God; to have trust in God’s promises; and to constantly review the principles of their revolution
16- What’s Iran’s stance towards the Islamic awakening?
- Iran announces its confidence in the nations’ uprisings and urges them to get united and follow the principles of fraternity while fighting against the enemy.
17- Were Syria’s development’s a revolution?
- The reality on the ground there is a proxy war in favor of the Zionist regime against the regional resistance
18- What’s Iran’s solution for the Syria issue?
- We support the Syrian nation and oppose any foreign intervention there. We believe that any reforms in Syria must be done by the Syrian nation based on domestic solutions. We also believe that the flow of arms to irresponsible parties in Syria must be prevented.
19- Does Iran pursue to export the model of Wilayat al-Faqih?
- These lies are spread for the past 30 years in a bid to separate other nations from the Iranian nation.
20- Is Iran’s support to the Bahraini nation a Shia-motivated support in nature?
- The largest service to enemies of the Muslim community is to consider the public movement of a nation against despots as a Shia-Sunni conflict.