Loyalty to Resistance Bloc Calls for Creating Efficient Government, Holding Impartial Investigation into Beirut Blast

The “Loyalty to the Resistance” parliamentary bloc on Wednesday called for a speedy formation of an efficient government that is capable of carrying out its duties, especially amid Lebanon’s need to deal with the aftermath of the Beirut port blast.
In a statement issued following its weekly meeting, the bloc indicated that relieving the devastated capital and its locals was a top priority, highlighting the importance of reconstruction and sheltering those who had lost their homes.
Highlighting the obligation to uncover the truth behind the explosion, the bloc called for a local, just and impartial investigation.
“We will follow up on this issue through the legal channels, until responsibilities are determined,” the bloc said.
Hezbollah bloc also hailed the resistance supporters who did not fall in the sedition trap plotted by those who have utilized the blast to instigate against the resistance in the context of serving foreign powers.
Source: Al-Manar English Website and NNA