Palestinian Factions in Gaza Call on PLO to Withdraw from Arab League in Response to Normalization

The Palestinian factions in Gaza called on the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to withdraw from the Arab League in response to the normalization agreement between Bahrain and the Zionist entity.
The factions stressed that the treacherous agreement stabs the Umma and imposes on the Arabs and Muslims to move against those involved in the normalization process.
On Friday, September 11, the US President Donald Trump announced an agreement between Bahrain’s official regime and the Israeli entity to establish full diplomatic relations between them.
The Zionist entity, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will, accordingly, sign a US-brokered agreement normalizing their relations in Washington on September 15.
It is worth noting that Trump had announced the agreement between UAE and ‘Israel via Twitter on August 13.
On September 5, the Sudanese Foreign Minister-designate Omar Qamar al-Din revealed on Saturday that the US administration “promised to mull the removal of Sudan from the US list of states sponsoring terrorism, in exchange for the formal normalization of its relations with ‘Israel’.
Source: Al-Manar English Website