Syria Regrets Clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Warns against Turkey’s Blatant Interference

Syria has expressed its regret over the clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and called the two neighboring countries to put an end to the current escalation and find a peaceful settlement.
“The Syrian Arab Republic deeply regrets the clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan that left victims from both sides and offers condolences to the families of the victims and wishes for a speedy recovery for the wounded,” an official source at Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said in a statement Saturday.
Syria called on the two neighboring countries to put an end to the current escalation and find a solution to their dispute by peaceful means.
Syria warns, the statement said, against blatant Turkish interference in this conflict, which aims to inflame situations in line with the behavior of the Turkish regime in creating tensions and stoking the flames of sedition in more than one place in the world.
“Syria calls on the Azerbaijani government to be careful not to fall into the trap of the Turkish plan and to respond to the Armenian initiatives that call for calm, dialogue and resolving the differences between them peacefully.” The statement concluded.
Source: SANA