“Lebanon Getting Closer to Europe’s Coronavirus Scenario, Local Lockdown Last Chance”

Lebanon’s caretaker Minister of Public Health Hamad Hassan warned on Monday that the current coronavirus figures in the country is drawing Lebanon nearer to the European scene.
Addressing a meeting for the scientific committee at the ministry, Hasan stressed that the latest local lockdown which took effect earlier on Sunday is the last chance to curb the spread of the disease
“The infection rate in Lebanon has reached 120 cases per 100,000 people weekly; such rate draws us nearer to the European scenes,” the minister was quoted as saying by National News Agency.
“The success of the bold decision to isolate a number of regions constitutes the last chance,” he added.
“We do not have the luxury of time, and the responsible participation of all hospitals is required to rescue the Lebanese citizens,” Hasan stated.
The decision to lock down 111 towns across Lebanon took effect on Sunday morning.
Caretaker Interior Minister Mohammed Fahmy ordered on Friday the complete lockdown of 111 towns and villages from Sunday morning until October 12.
Lebanon has witnessed a sharp increase in cases in recent weeks with more than 44,000 cases registered since February in the country of five million. The toll of deaths related to the contagious disease surpassed 400.
Source: Al-Manar English Website and NNA