Soleimani, Muhandis assassinated because they spearheaded anti-US campaign: Houthi

The United States assassinated top Iranian anti-terror commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani and his Iraqi trenchmate Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy head of Iraq's Popular Mobilization Units, because they spearheaded the campaign against Washington’s hegemony in the region, says the leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement.
Delivering a live speech from the Yemeni capital city of Sana’a on Sunday on the occasion of the first anniversary of the assassination of the two commanders and their companions in a US terror drone strike authorized by President Donald Trump near Baghdad airport, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi hailed them as heroes and “martyrs of the Muslim nation.”
Houthi stressed the need for Muslims worldwide to liberate themselves from tyranny and oppression, stating that enemies' conspiracies are aimed at achieving complete dominance over Muslim nations and exploiting their resources and geographical location for the sake of their own purposes.
Gen. Soleimani’s assassination proved US presence in region destabilizing: Iran Foreign Ministry
Gen. Soleimani’s assassination proved US presence in region destabilizing: Iran Foreign Ministry
Iran’s Foreign Ministry says the unlawful assassination of the country’s anti-terror commander proves that the US military in the region is destabilizing.
The Ansarullah chief warned that enemies are not content with the conspiracies that they relentlessly hatch against Muslims, but also intend to wreak havoc on their nations from within through hypocrisy.
Houthi said Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Sudan's ruling military council, the Al Khalifah regime in Bahrain as well as Moroccan government represent the axis of treachery in the Muslim world as they have normalized relations with Israel.
He added that Syrian, Iraqi and Bahraini nations exemplify the virtues of steadfastness and readiness for sacrifice.
Houthi noted that the US does not view the Saudi regime as its main ally in the region, but rather like a milking cow.
The Ansarullah leader attributed the root cause of some of regional conflicts to the United States and the Israeli regime, arguing that certain regimes in the region are working hand in glove with Washington and Tel Aviv.
He then accused the US and the Israeli regime of fueling the flames of sectarian strife among Muslim nations and mobilizing Takfiri terrorists, and said Saudi Arabia is acting within the framework of US-Israeli conspiracies against the Islamic world.